Saturday, July 29, 2006

ShOrT UPdaTe!

Played a little bit - mostly messing around and doing some quests - my account is up again in about a week - I have to admit, the game was fun, but I lost interest yet again :(

Did this quest - was fun - Drake attack was pretty cool :)

I went underwater, which I haven't done in quite awhile - what does YOUR milkshake bring?

Coolest spell yet is Earth Bind - from my understanding, it's a very rare spell and quite expensive - I watched a death match - which I didn't think people did anymore, but I saw EB in action - that spell is incredibly dangerous in PVP and if it ever get's to 4 on 1, it's a sure bet of death, regardless of what your AC or HP is.

Ok, more later - possibly from Game About!

Ciao! Wicked "my head hurts - cuz of your MOM" Liquids

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