Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!!! And here's to a GREAT 2006!!!

Sup guys! Wot ya'll doing? And of course, Happy New Year!!!!

I had a spare moment so I thought I'd spread the word and wish you all the best! I been reading a ton and I love one thing about the end of year periodicals (PERIODICALS, repeat after me - PERIODICALS - that's what us college educated folk call newspapers and magazines, amongst the primary periodicals muwhahahahahaha) - I love the year end retrospectives - you know, what was the best of and worst of 2005, including events and people and blah blah blah. I'm not going to get into detail, but 2005 was a messed up year for global events. Suckahs! hahaha!

Aight guys, I gotta go take care of some shit, but I wish you all the best, I hope all is well, and I'll return to regular posts when I get back from Vegas.

Ciao! Wicked "New Year, More girls to hit" Liquids :)

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