Ok, here's an update with the "Offical Event put on by NC Wickedsoft."
Thus far, there have still been no brave souls to take on the challenge of asking Kyzah out on a date in order to schmooze her and get her to drop more loot. Come on folks, post on the boards and make this dream a reality! I hear she's an absolute hottie - so guys, go do your magic on her - mages, cast something on her, elves, fling that hair of yours back and forth, knights, buff up, and princes....uh....hmmmm....lessee.....yup.......uh.....true target her? I dunno :( Come on soldiers of Aden, you can do it!
And yes, it's true - out of sheer boredom/lunacy, I actually asked Kyzah out on a date. Not kidding. Anyway, here's what she responded with:
Re: Date
From: Kyzah
Received: 06/21/04 02:00 PM
Hello Wickedliquids,
Assuming that you are referring to the new items introduced to the game with the 4/14 publish, yes, these items are properly inserted into the game files as possible rare drops from certain boss monsters; according to our records, a few of these items have indeed dropped on all servers since their publish.
We'll be happy to pass along your request to increase the drop probabilities for these items, but again, please keep in mind that they are intended to be rare to balance out their power and value.
Best of luck!
Damn, did I just get blown off? I wish I had saved a copy of the message I wrote to her, but I didn't. Wah. Should I try again? Someone go to the boards and post a message there and tell Kyzah to come over here and check this site out. And the offer still stands - free dinner on me!
Anyway, I was the first brave soul to venture there - so who's next? You guys, who can take on Mummy Lord, Demon, Cougar, Dragons, Phoenix, yet you cannot ask a girl out? GEESH!!! Come on, get with the program!
***because of the nature of some of my posts and the ability to use four-letter words at will, I will not be asking Lineage to make me an official site.***