Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Hmmmm.......I could only play a short time last night due to excessive laundry duty (one of the greatest downfalls of being a bachelor - I'm so lazy when it comes to laundry that when I run out of clothes, I go to my "back up storage" which is essentially a back up of boxers, socks, etc, brand new in package tucked away in my closet - rule of thumb - should the emergency supply ever be used, you must buy more to replace, resulting in me having like 120 pairs of boxers, 200 socks, etc.) OOPS! Sorry, got off on a tangent there, didn't I? So yah, anyway I was lucky enough to hit up only 2 bosses yesterday - and as the picture can show, Demon and Dopple, da double D's. Lin Pledge help with Demon and as you can see, Demon's drop was absolutely staggering......his other drop was a res scroll btw \./ Damn, Dopple actually drop me something this time - it was nzell \./  Posted by Hello