Thursday, August 26, 2004

I'm gonna stop complaining and here's why.....

I'm gonna stop complaining about being broke or just about anything else. Why? Read:

NC nerfs/changes the following:

Pots are increased in price(to this day, and I may be the ONLY one, but I'm still uber pissed about that)
Pots are delayed.
Mages can no longer slow bosses.
Bosses break swords.
Mops drops are nerfed.
Toi is nerfed.
Elves have delays in spells.
Soft AC.
Auto loot gone.

What you essentially spend in hunting, you do not get sufficient adena in return.
So, what happens? You're FORCED to hunt Fire Valley. God forbid NC wants you to hunt all over Aden. You have to hunt FV. Period. Even then, you have so so luck.

Elves? Damn good thing they can water themselves therefore minimizing potion use.
Mages? Damn good thing they can heal themselves at will therefore minimizing potions.

Dark elves, knights, and royalty get the to ride the short bus.

You know NC, not everyone has a heal mage or level 50 water elf to tag along with them.
Not everyone has a 2nd account to make a heal mage tag along.

But because I like the camadrie, I stay.

I won't rant about this after this post. I promise.

Once I run out of money, that's it. There's no point in playing. Maybe to talk to online friends, but hell, I can use Yahoo Chat or MSN for that and it don't cost me $15 a month.

I don't use a bot, I don't have multiple users, I don't have adena bots(yes, they exist), I don't buy accounts, I don't have multiple accounts. I'm a legitimate user, a legitimate customer.

Oh well. I got 1.2 million left. For some that's a lot. But not for those who like to hunt other places than Fire Valley. If you want everyone to hunt Fire Valley, then make all of Aden into Fire Valley. You know, Fire Valley Silver Knight Town, Fire Valley Oren Wasteland, Fire Valley Dragon Caves area, Fire Valley Ogre Rock. You get the point.

NC, you got a game on the horizon that will be released soon. It's called World of Warcraft and many current customers are waiting, just patiently waiting for that game to be released. Ken Rahuel server, which never seems to top more than 125 ppls everytime I check, is going to be desolate. So will Dep. I predict a minimum of a 20 to 25% loss in customers over a 2 month period.

This is the American server. Not the Korean. Get right.

N.C. = No Courage.

I don't mean that last line as an insult. I really don't. But what good is a service that no one wants? And business-wise, you have to realize that only so much revenue can be lost before someone raises an eyebrow. I saw the financial statements when Wae had her site up. I know how to read Profit & Loss Variances. You know what I'm insunuating.

Put your balls to the wall and do some head smacking - k?

Undo the nerfs.

And please, for the love of god, don't EVER do an event like the last one again.

/rant off

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