Saturday, September 18, 2004

More power to LoA

All you LoA players out there, more power to you. Way too many of us have gotten much to involved in a video game. VIDEO GAME I said!!! This is one of the biggest reasons I don't play too much anymore. I went from hardcore Lin player, to a casual one. The ultimate idea is that you play the game to have fun. If there is a server merge, then cool, let it be. If NC gives us an option to go, then I will not. I started on Dep. I'll finish on Dep. If there is a forced merger, then I'll go read a book. Remember what those things are kids? They usually sell them nearby the coffee shops that charge $6 bucks for a cup of coffee. Bah.

Pictoral update coming soon, in addition to 2 more blogs to be added!!! Ciao!