Sunday, September 12, 2004

My Pledge

Currently Listening to: Spice Girls: Spice Up Your World

Ok, my pledge is small. That's the way it was suppose to be. And that's the way it's gonna stay. We've had quite a few ask to join. But we've politely declined. However, we ARE taking people - just a few rules of note.

Oh and currently, there are only 3 people in this pledge. We will be taking in a total of 12 people only. No more.

#1 - level 49.50%+; sorry if you're lower, but that's our requirement. Why? Keep reading.
#2 - ABSOLUTE NEUTRALITY. We will not allow people with prefrences to any war or any sides of a war. If you feel obligated to a war, or give indications to a war, then we won't accept. Sorry. There's a reason why. Keep reading.
#3 - ABSOLUTE NEUTRALITY. No warring. Know what I mean?


Those are our rules. Nothing big. So why 49.50%? Because it's simple. This pledges goal is to have EVERY member level 52+ by Christmas. Why only 12 people? Because too many people actually cause more problems and too few make it difficult to pledge hunt. So, if you want to join, whisper Firebug01. Not me. We'll be looking for an even mixture of classes.

You guys know, I like to just have fun. Look for bosses, get that cool drop, etc, etc. I know there are other players out there that want to do that. K, enuff self promotion.

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