Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Games? Did you say games?

Soooooooooooo welcome back all of you!!! Hope you had a stellar weekend - and for those of you finally on summer vacation, pull out your skating gear, band aids, and insurance cards, cuz it's time to have fun kiddies!

I have a few WoW ss's and YES - I logged onto Lineage, albit briefly. I didn't see anyone that I knew on at the time, so no time for "hello's," but I'm going to try to log on tonight!!! I hear the the double exp and drops are cool, but this is NC we're talking about, so I'm not exactly psyched.

Regarding WoW.....well, um, sigh.....it's beginning to bore me - MUCH quicker than I had anticipated. I did start up a few new characters and having fun with them (priest characters are FUN FUN FUN!). So why the Lineage II pic? muwahahahahahahaha.....no, I don't have a Lin II account, but I'm willing to try anything for shits 'n giggles (except that ROSE game - no way!). So, anyone out there playing Lineage II - what you think? Suxors? Or so-so? There are tons of games - lets play!!!! Ciao, Wickedy WacksPosted by Hello

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