Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Brickhouse and Lincrew's blog: look ------>

Now I wouldn't normally do this, but I couldn't restrain myself any longer. For those of you who do not play Dep, I humbly request that you go take a look at the two blogs on the right; Brickhouses blog and Lincrew's blog. Why? Because these two blogs are AT WAR!

Ok, here's the deal; most people have pictures on their blogs and bosses and drops, etc. etc. But looking at these guys' blog, there is a serious animosity here. Such a level of animosity that it's down-right hilarious. I'm not kidding here - these guys hate each other. Don't believe me? Don't look at the pics - they're the normal end pictures. What I'm talking about is in the COMMENTS section on both blogs. What these guys come up with to insult each other is funny as hell. It's kind of hard to explain - just go look for yourself. It really is funny and a damn good read. LOL!

Peace. :)


  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

    for some reason i can't sign in ....

    anyways, I just wanted to point out the one MAJOR difference between the 2 blogs..

    Our(LC's) argurments are well structured and have premis where-as Wareagles (brickfag's) comment don't..

    That and we play our real characters.. unlike Wareagle who lvl'ed up a burn DE to make up for the fact that his main character sucks..

    Don't believe me go check for yourself.. honestly..

  2. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Excellent, love it! »
