Monday, April 11, 2005

Yah I'm a dork...

so what? When I'm not updating my blog while I'm at work and have nothing else to do, I like to watch Frontline. I can't help it - I'm a world news junkie. I'm absolutely fascinated with what goes on in the world other than the crappy local news (which isn't too bad when you read about the insane shit that some Californians do). So I take my time to watch or listen to reports from Frontline, which is a PBS funded newsprogram; it's a lot like 60 minutes, but instead of several different stories over an hour time, it's all focused on one story. It's suprising all the interesting stuff you can learn. It just so happens I'm fascinated with religion and religious wars - always have been and always will be - more specifically, not Al Queda or Jihad, but rather the Palestinian and Israeli war - I've followed this war since the 7th grade and too this day, even after reading and pouring over the history, I still don't get it. Not completely anyway. So if you got some free time and want to step away from that might numbing bullshit that we call mmorpg's (which I LOVE by the way :P) then check out the link.

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