Wednesday, July 14, 2004

So I'm scouring....

and can't find a damn thing worth posting on Lineage. Lin has been SOOOOO slow for me that I have not gotten any drops or screenshots worth taking in a few days - sorry! Anyway, I'm going to attempt to search the next few minutes looking for other Lineage sites, not just Gameabout or Gamejok. Any of you got any suggestions?

By the way, as Knightspirit said in the chatterbox - you guys read the post below and check out that little mpeg that I'm referring to.....and yes, I think Jaime is in BIG!

Oh, and by the way, I got my exp restored from last weeks dubious mass DC, so I'm content with NC at the moment. For those of you who lost exp during that period, please check and make sure you got your exp back. If you're at work, go check your linweb. If you didn't, email support pronto and get that out of the way before it drags on and gets too late. Good luck!

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