Thursday, February 24, 2005

Diad Siege is ON!

Or is it??!! Over on Test Server, players are gathering in an attempt to siege the fortress this Saturday evening, or so I heard. I don't think this is any type of event or something that NC is putting on, but rather a strong attempt at one cohesive strike on Diad. I would LOVE to go to this thing, but my character is only level 5 and I'd be de fodder if I went - and the fact that I'm probably not going to be home Saturday night makes it a little more difficult.

So what about the fortress walls that are alive?:(from Scout off da' boards)

To break the Diad Fortress gate, players have to attack the 3 gates simultaneously. Once the gates are at 80%, you must break them all within 5 seconds. If you fail to break the gates, The fortress gate HP will be recovered by half of it's current HP and the timer starts over.

Someone please explain to me how on a server with about 49 to 50 players on at any given time, is going to do THAT??!! Believe me, I wish I was there to help because I think this would be a tremendous amount of fun. So if you guys can, log on to test server this Saturday and have at it - maybe we can be lucky and tear that mutha down - and besides, if you die, who cares? Oh, I think the testors are going Saturday evening, but not sure about the time - go look around and you might find out. If I don't go out Saturday night, I'm hella sure I'll be there with my level 10 ass.

Oh, and the exp gain has been doubled on test for those of you who want to level really quick.

Good luck!

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