Thursday, November 17, 2005


I tried to find some pics of the flu to go along with this post, but all I got was some fucked up shit and I wasn't going to post that junk. Don't ask me what's going on in the pic above - I have no earthly clue - I think he's taking a hit of something, but not quite sure.

And no, that's not me. I mean, it COULD be, but naw, I don't got a perm. And that dude way too good looking to be me.

Aight, so anyway, I'm pretty sick and I been working my ASS off. I'm not sure why I been sick other than I know officially that California air quality is quite simply some of the worst in the WORLD - I have been non-stop sneezing, eyes watering, and coughing like you wouldn't believe. I just got my truck washed and it's already caked with dust - that's how bad the air is.

I dunno - maybe I got SARS or something. So, anyone want to come play with me? COME PLAY WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I SAID!

It's my b-day next week and I BETTER NOT be sick for that!

hehehe - ok guys, I'll holler at you later!

Ciao! Wicked "It's my b-day?" Liquids