Saturday, September 24, 2005

Ahhhhhh....the weekend - mah' tummy is filled wit' da Taco Bell and imma hit that couch of mine up for a hard ass nap before I roll out tonight, cuz Wicked's gonna get some "cupcakes!!!" No, really, REAL cupcakes....yummy! So while I'm scarfing da 'cakes, you guys can watch this shit:

Quite possibly the best music video EVER!
(Don't lie, you know the words - AND I know
your ass is dancing to this shit now)

Pimp-ass magic trick - using shadows!

Damn, this truck's got some MAD SKILLZ!

Dude get's owned a train! OWCH!

It's Family Guy. Need I say more?

What? You think I was gonna let this post end
without some whupass?

Talk shit? = Eat Ground.

Ciao! Wicked "Loves cupcakes, but that don't mean he IS a cupcake" Liquidz

pssssssssst: Wanna know what I look like? Click my name up at the top right ^^ (and stop fucking emailing me for pics you fags)

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