Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I suck, I know this......

I meant to update last night, but got caught up, so I'm going to try to squeeze in a few updates this evening and throughout the day. I have a few minutes now, so here's what I been doing. First of all, IT FREAKING RAINED IN HUNTINGTON BEACH! At least where I lived - the last time it rained, it was in the Spring - I had almost forgotten what it sounded like, but I ended up falling asleep to the tapping of the raindrops on the roof. Awwwww, how freaking poetic is THAT??!! Now I feel the need to wear black slacks, black shoes, and a black turtle neck and go and recite poems for the next 12 hours -.-

Also, to the Ebay guy that keeps out bidding me on my attempt to obtain a bluetooth headset, I hope you really have a bad freaking day you asswipe. I been struggling trying to get a solid bluetooth headset for my cell phone, an LG PM 325 slider. Apparently the bluetooth software is not the best in the world and after reading forum after forum, there are 2 sets that work decently with my phone - the only drawback being they cost a freaking FORTUNE. Bah - we'll see!

Aight pimps 'n ho's, I'll chill with you laterz

Ciao! Wicked "Blue Nutz" Liquids


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

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  2. If that dude wins, go over there, kick his ass, and grab that Bluetooth headset. Not only will you have the satisfaction of beating the shit out of him, you'll have a free Bluetooth headset when you could have paid an out-of-this-world price for it. ;)

  3. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Great blog!
    I really enjoyed looking over your last post. Pet peeve #1 - People with a cellphone plastered to their ear while trying to drive. Don't they realize all they have to do is go to www.bluetoothbargains.comcellphone get a cellphone and make driving alot easier for all of us. Soon laws will require it! Well, keep the great posts coming and I'll be back to check it out.
