Friday, September 09, 2005


This post only applies to the nerds and geeks of the sci-fi world - like ME! The rest of you can go and die. Now, if you're a comic book/sci-fi freak like me, you'll TRULY enjoy this clip - it's pretty damn good! Remember when I had that clip linked last year of a "What if" story line done by some students? What if Batman had died? Well, check this link out - you'll truly like it - What if Batman fought the Joker - been done right? Watch the clip - he fights the Joker. But then he fights...... (this is live-action by the way; oh, here's a hint - the two monsters he fights came out together in a movie last year; another hint - that movie's initials were AVP!!!!)

Batman Vs Joker Vs A Monster with Acid Blood Vs A Monster with a PIMP ass mask and cool claw thingy's!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:26 AM

    lol that video is dope..i find myself tryin to get all logical on something that is made up. I just couldn't see batman winning against the predator. Maybe an alien lol, but those predator guys are badass.
