Thursday, November 27, 2008


It must be Thanksgiving - the roads are empty as I can barely hear a car zoom by. I'm at work...yuppers, I have to work, and it's been interesting thus far.

I'm tired as I couldn't sleep at all yesterday. I booked my flight home for Christmas AND I booked another flight to SoCal because I have a corporate meeting next month....yay! A $1,000 bucks spent within 15 minutes of each other. That's always exciting, isn't it?

Well, I'm going to put my sarcasm aside and take a moment to thank a few people

I thank my family, friends, my co-workers....well, just about everything and everybody. When I pop open Yahoo and see the people around the world - not just the hungry and the homeless, but those people who are nowhere near our level of civility, due to whatever reasons - poor government rule, etc....well, makes my life not so miserable. Do NOT read into that as being pretentious. What I meant was that there are many people in this world who have no running water, do not have ANY concept of cable tv, etc - those things that we take for granted...bring them to the US and they'd be in a world that they've never known.

It truly makes my problems trivial. This is that time of the year when I'm thankful for the people I know and the life that I live. It's also the time of the year when I begin to reflect and know that New Year's song...I don't know the name of it, but there's a line where it says, "Let old acquaintances be forgotten...." I hate that fucking line.

Absolutely hate it.

I'd rather not "forget" them. They've help me mold me to be the person I am now, to know that there better things in life...and somethings in life that you'll never let go. I don't ever regret the past, the wrong that I have done, the right that I have done, and the people that I've encountered have truly molded me into who I am....but always remember, it's what you do from this point on that defines you. You're past only shapes you....your decisions now will be what makes you, it will be your defining moment.

Well, I'll write more tonight....I've been invited to a couple of places for Thanksgiving...but I think I'd like to just spend it alone at home....unless some hot girl wants to come over and kick it....then I'll have to reconsider....hahahaha sorry, I had to throw that last line in.

Ok, more later tonight.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

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    You can add me on msn if you have any questsions
