Thursday, June 23, 2005

My Weekly Rant

I think it's only fair that since I have this blog and since it's mine, I should be duly annointed to rant at least once a week. Therefore, I decided I should rant right.....about....NOW! Before I prep to get to work, I get hit up by yet another fucking "Please buy my shit solicitor." You all have been hit up by them before - on the street, at your house, by the coffee-bar; wherever it is where you have something to do and someone seems to always want to get in your fucking way.
I get this EVERYDAY. Not once a week or a month - EVERYDAY.

I'm sick of it. These people are worse than tele-marketers and they're just as god-awful annoying. What pisses me off even more, is their assanine belief that I'm going to fall for their "we are a church group" or "we represent Mothers Against Drunk Driving" or "whatever good, charitable organization that you think I belong to just so I can try to hustle you." Those dudes piss me off beyond belief!

I maybe somewhat cynical, or even jaded, here, but work with me - hell, some of you may think I'm a bonafide asshole. I do not believe in "charitable" organizations. Period. March of Dimes? Should be called March to give me monies. Salvation Army. Should be called I salivate to get your money. Goodwill? Goodfuckingluckingettingthisastaxwriteoff.

I'm jaded because unlike most Americans, I completely understand the concept of how "charities" work - not that you all don't either, but what you see on the commericals and shit - that's all the gimmick. Ya see, all charities are actually businesses. They are deemed nonprofit, but they actually are profit. It's kind of hard to explain and I don't want to get it drawn out here because I'm sure you'll get bored. In a nutshell, check out how much these "charitable" organizations make, how much they pay their directors (it's obscene - a small Oklahoma chapter with a surrounding population of about 25,000 people, the director there makes in excess of $225,000 per year - I'm not kidding). Information of what I stated in the prior sentence is all true. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying those people shouldn't get paid, but when I donate money, I don't want it to go to the board of directors. It needs to go to purchasing supplies and food. Posted by Hello

If any of you recall my posts from late last year, I promoted HELPING people. I don't give money. I phsyically go out and help people so that I know for a FACT they are getting the help they need and deserve. It's much too easy to pass out dollar or a check, then feel good about yourself as your drive your ass home, thinking you did a good "deed."

Some of you may disagree with me and that's cool. Some of you may know some REALLY good charities - and that's even better.

But please, for the love of god, don't use charitable organizations (good or bad) to try to hustle a buck out of me. As I've said before and always will, YOU CAN'T HUSTLE A HUSTLER.

/rant off

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