Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Oh for crying out LOUD...........................

This post is mostly for the few of you guys who sent me such KIND emails as to why I don't have more gaming posts. BECAUSE I DON'T FUCKING FEEL LIKE IT, OK? muwahahahahaha. No really, I just either forget to take screenshots or...OR(!) I have found some miraculous way to sneak myself back into the real world without letting another game like Lineage take up my every breathing moment. Yes, Warcraft is already crumbling. Yes, Lineage has become mundane. But I still find both games to be fun, albeit not like I use to. That just means there's another game out there with my name on it!!!

Ok, I'm lying. It's getting closer to summer-time in SoCal. I've been here a little over a year now and one of the things that I've been dying to do is...you guessed it...go scuba diving!!! I'm NAUI certified (not that lame ass PADI cert) and I hear SoCal is the shit when it comes to diving off the coast and near the islands (Catalina is suppose to rock) so when the water gets warm enough, I'd like to try to plan a dive, maybe finally get a chance to swim with the sharks.

See? Life outside of video games is rather fun. (OMG DID I JUST SAY THAT??!! Yup, I guess I did, suckahs!!!!)Posted by Hello

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