Friday, July 29, 2005

Is it the 90's yet?

Muwahahaha - my retrospect on the 90's! The only puzzling things I find about the 90's are the New Kids on the Block and the skorts. And MC Hammer. And pump sneakers. WTF is a skort???? Is that the same as a "spork?" And the New Kids??!! All I have to say to that is "......................................." And the Power Rangers? Pffffft - knock off of the Mexican Wrestlers - the wrestlers were around WAY before those dudes. Beany Babies? Like the ones from McDonalds? Yah, I got some - then my little dog Boo-boo got a hold of them and now they are being held up for ransom somewhere underneath a couch. 90210 - future Paris Hilton's waiting to be born. Nirvana - OVER FUCKING RATED - I hated that band and I still do. Twin Peaks - still don't get it. SNES - fuck yah!! Super Nintendo OWNED! I'm missing out on some stuff, I know - but meh :) It's all about the memories and good times! I can't decide if the 80's or the 90's were better. You guys got any thoughts? I remember when the OJ chase was going on - Houston was in the Finals and the television networks went to split screens - game on the right and the white bronco chase on the left - yo OJ, thanks for fucking up my game night you twit. Yah, the 90's were pretty damn cool :)

Ciao! Wicked "I'd hit every girl cast member from Friends" Liquid

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