Tuesday, July 26, 2005


OMG I got brain freeze. And I have writers block - I can't think of anything clever or witty and under normal circumstances, I would just post pictures of boobies if that were to occur, but not even the power of women's mammary glands can help me at the moment, thus the lackluster posting without the biting wit and sarcasm. Should I foray into the intellectual world or stay with the mono-syballic verbage of gamers (zug zug!). Not to worry as I will not speak of politics and religion on my blog - EVER. Politics bore me as it is just a power struggle and I am a firm believer that the only time problems arise with power is when people begin to believe they have any. As for religion - not uh- not touching that with a 10-foot pole.

So what do I write now? LMFAO - boobies, here we come!

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