Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Ugh...it's on my head!

I've had a surgical mask on all day cuz some of the fumes that run in our warehouse can knock a freaking elephant down (ok, no not really, but it get's pretty heavy in there - acetone!). So anyway, I'm walking around checking out some stuff and as I walk back into the office, I slide the mask above onto my forehead and it's been there ever since. I completely forgot about it. As I walk outside and look at my reflection on one of the dark windows, I notice this rather large boobie coming outta my head. Suprised, stupified, then laughing very loudly, I realize it's a surgical mask. I was going to take it off, but I rather like the large, blue, boobie on my forehead, therefore, I'm keeping it there :P

Vote for me! I got onto another "top blog" site, so you guys have to vote for each one everyday!! Cuz you all rock and I love youuuuuuuuuu! I love you all like a fat kid loves cake and porn!!!

Peace Wicked "BoobieDude" Liquid

PS: I forgot to mention, I did slide the mask back down and pretended to be a ninja for the rest of the day but not a very good one; I think I got spotted....um...by everyone. Fudge.


  1. lol i can't figure out if that's a complement or an insult hehehe - which is it? ><

  2. Anonymous7:04 AM

    LOL boobie ninja!!! that's awesome!

    golly gosh

  3. Yes, I am the BOOBIENINJA~!!!
