Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Is it in YOU?

I was reading Myah and Carrie2's blog and came across an interesting tid-bit about how sex is a great tool for exercise - did you know, and I quote, "Swallowing semen cuts down on plaque and tartar by 77%??!!! I had no earthly CLUE about these things, but apparently girls do!!! Yay for girls!! Of course, upon reading this, my entreupenural blood began to boil and I said to myself, "I need to bottle myself cuz I KNOW my shit can cut plaque and tartar by at least 90%!!!!" Forget Redbull boys and girls - why the fuck would you want wings? Drink Wicked-Ade and become a bonafide PIMP!!! Grow wings or be a PIMP - you make the choice!

Wicked-Ade: Is it in YOU?

Myah and Carrie2's instruction on excercise via sex and practicing good hygiene
(go past the mental disorder quizzes - go figure, a mental disorder quiz on a blog made by girls lmao - jk Lindsey and Carrie - you know I love ya!)

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