Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Anime Expo 2005 pics!

Yay!!! We went to the Anime Expo in Anaheim over the weekend and let me tell you this....it was WEIRD lol!! hahahaha...sorry, I had to throw that in. So, ok, it was clearly NOT 100% what I had expected, but it was to a degree, what I had expected, so it was pretty cool. I wanted to go to the expo less for the Anime, but more for the cos-play cuz I think that shit is pretty damn funny and cool and I got a TON of it, no doubt. I know I've mentioned cos-play in previous posts, but lemme refresh the memory for those of you that don't know what it is - it's when a big fan of a particular mange/cartoon/video-game, whatever and whichever, dresses up as the characters - and there were some OUTSTANDING dress ups. We couldn't get 100 pics, but did get a few - ooo and of course I don't want to forget - I went with a fellow Lineage player - Eric aka Nordian and he was kind enough to bring his camera :P (Yo Nord, thanks for the Nitro - I saw that you left the bottle behind!! hahaha - I'll use it and let you know how it works). So, lets get on with the pics:(wait - before you scroll down - vote for me damn it! ----> Vote for me every week I said!! )

Here's the expo sign (duh). The convention in itself was not nearly as big as either of us thought it would have been, but it was ok.

I have no earthly clue what this robot was from - anyone know? I'm thinking Full Metal Alchemist, but I could be totally wrong - I remember the robot kid in that manga being much more meaner - meh :P

Eric, aka Nordian, with um....2 maids? LMAO - sorry sorry, this has NOTHING to do with Manga or Anime, but I just couldn't let Eric walk away without a pic with them :)

Sorry the pic is so dark - this was a LAN party of some gamers playing some shooting game and of course there's always that ONE seriously fucking DORK (and I don't mean that in a nice way either) that's so fucking pissy cuz he got killed. Yo bro, I hope you get killed some more you loser.

Oh YAH!!! This one's for the BOYS!! This little hottie was just that - HOT - I'm assuming she was suppos to be from DOA Volleyball, but like I gave a flipping fuck right? Honestly, I'm a thigh guy, well, a breast guy...and a leg guy (omg, I sound like an obscene KFC menu don't I? Shit, no wonder I eat there so much).

Forgot to mention, that chick was from Colorado and apparently she was "cold." Um, ok. Whatever.....(love those shoes).

Last one of her, I swear. Yeah, she had a ...well...it wasn't a g-string - I think it looked like her undies just got bunched up or something - I dunno, sorry to let you guys down - I'll try to do better next time :P

I lied. One last one :P

Now this was TIGHT - we were all outside and everyone started looking up - and some airplane made a circular smoke signal. Then it made a line straight UP - none of us knew what the hell was going one - then someone yelled "Fantastic Four!" How COOL is THAT?? Now that's what I call fucking PROMOTION! I'm an FF fan, so I was uber in awe at seeing that :)

This chick was SUPER cute - I have NO idea who she was suppose to be, but I thought she was cute nonetheless. You know what cracks me up about the cos-play ppls the most? The fact that the second you take their picture, they strike a pose emulating the manga - supermodels strike a sexy pose but the manga chicks are totally into the whole costume vibe and they so go for it - notice the gun?

Again, this has nothing to do with Manga or Anime, but shit - it's HOOTERS you fags. Nuff said. And Eric, nice smile bud hehehe

These chicks - the 2 on the right - were 2 of my favorites (my 3rd favorite is coming up). Why are they my favorite? First of all - the boots! OMFG I'm a TOTAL sucker for boots like that - knee, super high, super PIMP stylin' boots - HOT. And secondly, they were hip hop goth - does that make sense? Sexy sexy :)

See the eyes on the left? Not that fat dude that's gonna jerk off to his pic later on that evening, but the goth chick on the left - they were selling contacts that made your eyes all shades and shit - was pretty cool - but I wear contacts and I couldn't wear that shit if I wanted too :(

Eric Eric Eric.....anyone want to guess where his OTHER hand is?

This was my other favorite goth chick - it's the shoes man, the SHOES - see how she's posing? lol - that was cool - cute, no? I swear, I need to date a goth chick cuz they're the only ones that actually where those high ass boots. Sigh.......

I don't know what manga this chick came from, but as soon as I figure it out, I'll let you know - she was pretty cute though.

And there ya go - so where are the guys pics? LMAO - ya right..w/e...hahahahahahaha - no really, I took several of all kinds, but I can't seem to find them for some reason - I may have inadvertantly lost them so sorry about that. Anyway, Eric and I decied that we were most likely UNDER-dresses for this, so the NEXT time, I'm going dressed up - maybe as Sailor Moon or something. Well, hope you enjoyed the show - ciao suckahs!!! Till next time - or 5 minutes - whichever comes first :) Wickedy Wacks Posted by Picasa


  1. Nice post, i wish i lived in on the west coast to enjoy some of that cool stuff that happens there like once a quarter. Sweet job on the lots-o-pics-same-post too hehe. Keep up the great posts =D

  2. lol - you know it List...hehe - I'm going to more shows in the future, so hopefully i can get more :P

  3. I didn't read the words, too busy being distracted by the pictures. Usually you have to pay for women to wear costumes like that....Bmac told me so.

  4. Sup Amigo....lol Bmac told you eh?? hehehe - Sup Shin - ahhhh - that's good to know - is that manga good? I've not heard of it before - let me know - i'll rent a dvd and check it out - thanks for the heads up :)

  5. That robot is alphonso elric from FMA, the movie comes out in Japan very soon, YAY!!!! I mean...I'm not a huge fan or anything...*sigh*

    Oh yeah, sweet sweet pics...I love it.

  6. Sup Lit - yah, I figured it was from FMA - I've watched that cartoon a few times and it creeps me out that some big ass robot has some 5 year olds voice - there's something wrong with that lol

  7. Awwww Alvi! lol - there are a lot of anime expo's in texas - also in austin too - it's a college town so there are some big ones, i'm sure - you should check them out - it's pretty neat and interesting and FUN! hehehe - the cosplay people will trip you out, for sure....

  8. ok cool, I just signed up for nexflix and I'm going to try to find it there - Im dying to see that manga now :P

  9. Anonymous5:08 PM

    the character is from the manga/anime "naruto". she is from the Sound Ninja clan.

  10. Anonymous5:20 PM

    the chick wit hguns is from the "bakuretsu tenshi"(burst angel) anime series.

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