Monday, July 11, 2005

From Da' Weekend......"Yo Buttafucco, ovah here...."

Hahaha!! Yay Courtney!!! I was looking at blogs this morning and Courtney, aka CelticRain (CelticRain and Pockets) got her winning package! She sent me a pic, but when I looked at her site, her post was SUPER-CUTE so I had to copy that pic instead :P That is such an awesome montage and she had some pretty cool things to say, so for that, thank you Courtney and you are welcome! (hahaha - she posted the note - that's so cute lol!) And yes Courtney, you ARE a winner!

When she won, she sent me an email saying that she could wear only XXS or Youth large. I don't know too many bikers or chopper riders that wear XXS - usually its XXL - so when she emailed me this bit of info, I was like, "huh?" Then I realized "youth large" meant the kiddies section. "Great...." I say to myself. So this was my adventure:

I go to the store and politely ask the counter lady, "Um, where are your little boys section?" Of course she looks at me funny and I turn beat red trying not to laugh all the while thinking ".....Michael Jackson, fuck you man! All I want to do is buy a shirt!" So I walk off to the kiddies section trying to find the shirt as fast as I can while trying really hard to not let anyone think I was there to "Michael Jackson-up" some little boys by sprinkling them with some kind of concoction of Jesus Juice. Whew! Found the shirt and got the fuck outta there! And it was worth it! And look at Courtney - that shirt STILL looks a little bit big lol!!!! Congrats to you again!!!

Simon and Tmiller - better send me the pics this week - ya'lls stuff should be arriving sometime this week ^^

50K hits Contest?

Eh? Another contest? Really? Maybe. I need some contest suggestions and some prize suggestions. Holler at me plz :)

Lineage Posts!

I traveled by boat to do yet another hunt on Forgotten Island. I believe I ended up spending close to 4 hours there and we failed to get any type of drop whatsoever. But LOOK! Someone drug the Great Minatour dude right to me! haha!!! Mine all mine! Me and some dark elf that dragged him all the way from the Mino area ended him - I cut off his last drop which was an n-dai.

Oooooo what's this? Or as the English would say, "Wot's this???!!" I TOLD you I was on FI for 4 hours! We found G-Mino again, but not by some dragging dark elf. This time around, he was a bit more problematic because there were a ton of mops around him - Decus ended up dying because of his massive area attack and Saucy ended up restarting after dragging 2 Griffons - I believe we had a total of 3 dark elves, 2 minataurs, 3 griffons, and G-mino. After Saucy dragged the griffons away, they ended up on me - one dark elf and 2 griffons - I had to run off about 3 screens, kill the mops, then go back. Saucy wanted me to restart, but I was pissed, so I went back with whatever potions I had on me and solo'd the bitch. Bzel best. Suckah!

I went to DV5 and 6 quite a bit over the weekend trying to get some new spellbooks (damn they are freaking tough drops). I ended up getting quite a few books, but the only ones worth mentioning were the Mass Tele books - I got one, then 5 minutes later scored another one. ^^

Thanks Iluvutar!

This pic was suppose to be up above, but somehow ended up here. Go figure. Stupid Mondays.

Again, I'm trying for new spellbooks and go to DE caves, 3rd floor. I was there for about 2 hours and I found a little chest which provided me with the dagger. What this worth? 10 million? 20 million? Fitty-cents? I think fitty-cents. Yah, fitty-cents I'm sure.

Thanks to STX for healing me a bit in IT (again for spellbooks -grrrrr). I like his name - STX - which was on the side of my Ford F150 that got wrecked awhile back.

Some more hunting in IT netted us a Relic of Maphr. What this worth? I still haven't sold it yet, so if anyone wants to buy, let me know.

Of course, it's dopple-ho. I had to hit her up ONE time this weekend. Now I see why so few bother. Worthless.


Forgot to post the links for the funny mpegs that I had found - I'll try super hard to do that tonight. Soweeeee!

Vote for me damn it!

LOL - I'm trying to get to number 1 - just once, so vote for me!!! It's under my profile - come on guys, click click click! Get me to number 1 and I'll do another contest *^.^*