Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Whoa!!! And Welcome Back!

Sup ya'll? Everyone have a nice weekend? See some loud, bright, banging fireworks? Or did you sit on your ass and use the fireworks provided to you by NC?

Well, I did BOTH!

Aight, here's what's up - I got quite a bit to post. A LOT really. The problem is, I have to caption all this stuff and I just don't have time to do it while I'm at work. This leads to only one solution; do a few posts today, then hit you all up with a mega post tonight.

**Attention Fan Boys*** For you fan boys and girls (mostly boys and I KNOW everyone that reads this is a fan"person" in one way or another - Eric and I went to the Anime Expo over the weekend and I must say, it was quite fun and without a doubt, INTERESTING. We MIGHT have some pictures, but I don't know. And of course they're of all the hot and cute cos-play chicks (DOA Volleyball is the shit!).

Like I said, I got quite a bit to post, including a few Lineage screenshots, but I won't be able to hit it till tonight, so hang in there. In the meantime, when I have a bit of spare time, I'll post my other useless, mind-numbing crap.

Ciao! Wicked da Liquid