Monday, August 22, 2005


First, let me apologize for not fulfilling my duties as a guest blogger. I've been insanely busy this weekend, and I've even neglected my own blog, which is sad. Anyway, let it commence!

I have to wonder what some people are thinking. Then again, superheroes usually wear some form of spandex, which leads our society to believe that they're, homosexual for the politically correct. But haven't we taken it a bit too far? Artnet has pictures of artist, Mark Chamberlain's watercolor paintings of Batman and Robin getting more acquainted with eachother. And apparently, both Batman and Robin have washboard abs, which I was never aware of. So that's one interesting tidbit. And they also enjoy watching The Ambiguously Gay Duo in SNL reruns and use that show as a learning tool for their jobs.

It goes to show that superheroes can fight crime and still find time to pillow-bite. Hmmm?


  1. OMG - my virgin eyes are now forever burned with da "bat love !" haha

  2. Anonymous11:01 PM

    290th blog , been blogging all day,and came across yours.. looking

    good, just looking for ideas for my own.

    how to get six pack abs
